A winning car is a dirty car!

Virtual Racer On sâmbătă, 23 martie 2013

I know I promissed you a great show in my last post, but now I am disapointed. The rally was harder than I expected and the car didn't't behave as I thought. Of course, there was just my mistakes, but I think I'm not familiarized with a 4WD car. Yet! Consequently, I made 2 small accidents (00:50 and 01:09), I was very closed to hit the wall (01:38) and a tree (01:42) and immediately after that I missed a jump (01:46). In my opinion, the last mistake might be fatal, but I was lucky. Or maybe skilled... I don't know. All that matters is that I won the race and my first rally with a 4WD.
The second reason why I am disapointed is the speed. Even though I won, I think I drove slow and I could do it better. I will practice more and I will try to be the best.

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